How to Join:


The Marigold Guild of Needle Arts (MGNA) offers membership to adults in Canada and internationally. Annual membership fees are collected on or before the date of the last regular monthly meeting of the season in May and cover the period from the following September 1 to August 31 of the next year. New members are welcome to apply at any time.

Affiliation with the Embroiderers' Association of Canada (EAC) also entitles our members to several privileges offered by the national organization.

What you need


Chapter Membership in the Guild begins upon receipt of fees by the Membership Chair of MGNA. A combined membership fee of Marigold Guild of Needle Arts and Embroiderers’ Association of Canada is listed below.

Annual Dues - Total of $65.00 - $15 (MGNA) plus $50 (EAC).

Membership Privileges

EAC Privileges

  • Embroidery Canada magazine
  • workshops, retreats and seminars
  • project and cyber courses
  • technique study courses
  • exhibitions, challenges, exchanges and awards
  • My EAC/Mon ACB access on the website
  • eThreads monthly e-newsletter
  • extensive lending library
  • study portfolios

See EAC's site for more details.